- Publication Date:
- Last updated:2024-01-12
- View count:1929
Organizational Chart
Administrative business(Green solid line)
The administrative business is divided into 2 levels
- The first level is directed by the Chief Prosecutor
- Head Prosecutor
- Probation
- Forensic Medical Examiner Office
- Clerk Division
- Persionnel Office
- Civil Service Ethics Office
- Accounting Office
- Statistics Office
- Information Management Office
- Miaoli Detention Center
- There are 2 groups on the second level
- Directed by Head Prosecutor
- Prosecutor
- Prosecutor Investigator Office
- Directed by Clerk Divsion
- Records Section
- Enforcement Section
- Documentation Section
- Research and Evaluation Section
- General Affairs Section
- Bailiff Office
- Directed by Head Prosecutor
Prosecution business(Red dotted line)
The procuratorial business is divided into 3 levels
- The first level is directed by the Chief Prosecutor
- The second level is commanded by the Head prosecutor
- The third level is commanded by the prosecutor
- ProcecutorInvestigator Office
- Probation Office
- Records Section
- Enforcement Section
- Bailiff Office